The quest to taste every fruit in the world - ALLMORES.COM


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The quest to taste every fruit in the world

“Sometimes an event or accident changes a person’s whole life.”

You have often seen people whose personality changes radically and viewers are amazed at how this person has changed so much. Sometimes this change is negative and sometimes positive.

Most people also think that change does not come suddenly, it gradually takes its place. They do nothing but curse their destiny, although all they do is change themselves and their thinking.

Today we are going to tell you the story of the life of a young man whose life has changed dramatically. Pablo, a native of Argentina, was fascinated by the modern way of life. That’s all the other young people
Was spending his days and nights like Fast food and soft drinks were part of his routine and he enjoyed his world. Suddenly, in 2015, a new twist came in Pablo’s life. Twenty-three years old

At a young age, Pablo was afflicted with a physical illness for which doctors had no cure. A painful skin disease called psoriasis, Pablo had contracted a mysterious form of the disease that caused him severe pain. I was suffering. When the doctor got tired after trying all kinds of medicines, a doctor advised Pablo to eat only fruits for four weeks and not to use any solids or solids during this time. Listen to this advice of a doctor. It was weird, but Pablo followed suit. After four weeks, Pablo became very weak because he had not eaten any solid food, but surprisingly, all those scars were gone from his body. Which were caused by itching on the body due to the disease.

This incident changed Pablo’s life completely. A movement arose inside Pablo that he would taste all the fruits of the world and cure his disease through fruits. Although there is no such food in medicine yet. No, it is possible to cure psoriasis, but some research has shown that if the immune system is strengthened, the severity of the disease can be reduced. Pablo was interested in tourism and with it. Even after accumulating some money, he traveled the world to taste the unique fruits. After traveling nearly twenty countries in four years and tasting more than two dozen varieties of fruit, Pablo became interested in more flavors. Have

During his travels, Pablo became acquainted with fruits of different flavors, which were very unique due to their similarity in texture, flavors and other ingredients. Some fruits tasted like pure chocolate, some looked as small as a shell or a pearl, while others looked like the skin of a snake. Pablo says of all the tourist trips, where the fresh, delicious, wholesome fruits from the local markets made me happy, I also learned how people grow and sell them with their own hands.

He also kept up to date with fruit flavors. Pablo, a social networking platform, keeps posting on his Instagram account about fruits with interesting and unique flavors, and expressing his views in a unique way. During this trip, some of the secrets of nature were revealed to Pablo, such as the fact that naturally grown fruits have their own taste, which has become extinct among the fruits grown in modern ways in the big cities.

As a tourist, Pablo can’t stay anywhere long, but he says he follows a few good things he learned during the trip and grows fruits and vegetables for his parents in his private garden. He has also grown malt, plums, almonds, walnuts, apricots, peaches, apples, pears, oranges, grapes and olives on a friend’s farm. You should not be disappointed in life. The sorrows and troubles that come in a person’s life, if a person stays positive in these situations, his suffering can be better than before.

We have all heard from our elders that fruits are good for health, but in modern times where the trend of fast foods and junk foods is increasing day by day, the importance of fruits seems to be increasing. They rot but people can’t afford to buy them while the rush at fast food points does not end. Industrialization and commercialization have deprived human beings of the invaluable gifts of nature in the name of modernism.

Now food and drink is also a show and people are constantly using junk foods that have brought their health to the brink of destruction. The priceless gifts that nature has given in the form of fruits are immense. The benefits are hidden. Their use is not only a guarantee of good health but also a useful way to prevent diseases. Now it is up to us to decide whether we choose health and nutrition for ourselves or diseases.

Diabetics should not eat fruit on an empty stomach, says a nutritionist

A dietitian and nutritionist from Sargodha says that fruits are important minerals in our body.

And provide vitamins. Consumption of seasonal fruits boosts our immunity. As the immune system weakens in the winter season, tocinoins are rich in vitamin C. Their consumption provides the body with the required amount of nutrients. Seasonal fruits are also nutritious because they do not use any chemicals that are usually used to grow fruits after the season.

The benefits of adding seasonal fruits such as cannabis, strawberries and papaya to your diet now will not be available after the end of the season, ”she said. “Nature has left in some fruits ingredients that have the ability to create immunity against chronic diseases,” he said. Like cherries, apples and pomegranates contain antioxidants that kill cancer cells. One thing to keep in mind when people ask about eating fruits is that there can be any time to eat fruits. Yes, people who want to lose weight or are diabetic should be advised by a doctor to use fruits. Should be followed.

The reason for not eating fruit at night is that fruits contain fiber which is not easily digested and because of this food cannot be eaten in adequate amounts, but this process is beneficial for those who are losing weight. Fruits should not be eaten on an empty stomach, but they can be taken with food. Then the impression that eating a banana causes constipation is a completely wrong impression. A banana contains a large amount of fiber which relieves constipation and is good for the body. Besides, whether it is to lose or gain weight, the use of bananas with the advice of experts is beneficial. And in the end, I will say that the fruits are a blessing of Allah, take full advantage of them.

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