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A global team of about 900 scientists at CERN, the largest international center for particle physics, says they have “probably” found evidence of a new fundamental particle that “possibly represents” a “fifth force.” May be.

This evidence was obtained after a careful analysis of data collected from various experiments between 2011 and 2018 in a large Hadron Collider Beauty (LHCb) particle accelerator installed in CERN.

However, he warned that the evidence in favor of the Leptoquark particle was not yet strong enough to be considered a “discovery” of the new core particle.
Although LeptoQuark’s latest evidence is so strong that it is only 0.1% (1 in 1000) likely to be incorrect, it is incorrect to call new evidence in physics a ‘discovery’. Probability should be only one in 3.5 million, ie 0.00002857142%, or less.

Let us say that so far we are aware of the four basic forces in the universe which we have identified as gravity, electromagnetic force, weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force respectively. Named.

With the exception of gravity, a theoretical framework called the “standard model” for combining the other three cosmic forces has existed for almost 50 years, which has been confirmed by countless experiments and observations. I have also achieved the status of an authoritative ideology.

However, the majority of scientists agree that the standard model is just a “work” theory with many fundamental flaws that need to be addressed and improved.

Recent evidence of leptoquark is related to a basic particle called “beauty quark” which exists in a very high energy environment but decomposes in about 700 billionths of a second, ie, degenerates. (decay) and converted into electrons, muons and their anti-particles.

According to the standard model, the depletion of beauty quark should produce approximately the same number of electrons and miwans. This is what experts call ‘Lepton Universality’.

However, in LHCB, the number of electrons was more than the number of electrons due to the degradation of the beauty quarks formed by the collision of the proton bursts at high energy.

The evidence first came to light in 2014, but then there was a 1% chance that the evidence, which did not conform to the standard model, would be incorrect.

The latest evidence, which has recently been reported on the website and sent to the research journal Nature for publication, is ten times stronger than before. But there is still a “fraction of an inch” left for their final confirmation, which may take a few more years to complete.

The LHCB is preparing for more experiments that will begin this year and continue intermittently for a few more years. The new experiments will specifically examine the final possibility of the presence or absence of leptospirosis.

At the moment, however, we can certainly call the current evidence promising, but we cannot call it a “discovery.”

According to experts, the reason for the relatively large number of electrons being formed by the degradation of beauty quark is a basic particle called leptoquark, which has been predicted for a long time but we have not been able

A global team of about 900 scientists at CERN, the largest international center for particle physics, says they have “probably” found evidence of a new fundamental particle that “possibly represents” a “fifth force.” May be.

This evidence was obtained after a careful analysis of data collected from various experiments between 2011 and 2018 in a large Hadron Collider Beauty (LHCb) particle accelerator installed in CERN.

However, he warned that the evidence in favor of the Leptoquark particle was not yet strong enough to be considered a “discovery” of the new core particle.
Although LeptoQuark’s latest evidence is so strong that it is only 0.1% (1 in 1000) likely to be incorrect, it is incorrect to call new evidence in physics a ‘discovery’. Probability should be only one in 3.5 million, ie 0.00002857142%, or less.

Let us say that so far we are aware of the four basic forces in the universe which we have identified as gravity, electromagnetic force, weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force respectively. Named.

With the exception of gravity, a theoretical framework called the “standard model” for combining the other three cosmic forces has existed for almost 50 years, which has been confirmed by countless experiments and observations. I have also achieved the status of an authoritative ideology.

However, the majority of scientists agree that the standard model is just a “work” theory with many fundamental flaws that need to be addressed and improved.

Recent evidence of leptoquark is related to a basic particle called “beauty quark” which exists in a very high energy environment but decomposes in about 700 billionths of a second, ie, degenerates. (decay) and converted into electrons, muons and their anti-particles.

According to the standard model, the depletion of beauty quark should produce approximately the same number of electrons and miwans. This is what experts call ‘Lepton Universality’.

However, in LHCB, the number of electrons was more than the number of electrons due to the degradation of the beauty quarks formed by the collision of the proton bursts at high energy.

The evidence first came to light in 2014, but then there was a 1% chance that the evidence, which did not conform to the standard model, would be incorrect.

The latest evidence, which has recently been reported on the website and sent to the research journal Nature for publication, is ten times stronger than before. But there is still a “fraction of an inch” left for their final confirmation, which may take a few more years to complete.

The LHCB is preparing for more experiments that will begin this year and continue intermittently for a few more years. The new experiments will specifically examine the final possibility of the presence or absence of leptospirosis.

At the moment, however, we can certainly call the current evidence promising, but we cannot call it a “discovery.”

According to experts, the reason for the relatively large number of electrons being formed by the degradation of beauty quark is a basic particle called leptoquark, which has been predicted for a long time but we have not been able to discover it yet.

to discover it yet.

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