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Saudi Iqama, Haroon, and Copy Sponsorship – Important news for foreign workers

U.S.A. experts have found that adding a small amount of seagrass to cow and buffalo feed reduces methane emissions by up to 82 percent.

The study, conducted at the University of California Davis (UCD), included a small amount of red seaweed (Asparagopsis taxiformis) in the daily feed of 21 domestic cows.

It should be noted that this type of red seaweed is also found in abundance on the Pakistani coast.
The amount of methane gas emitted from their belches was then measured four times a day using special equipment.

The five-month experiments showed that cows that ate only 80 grams of red seaweed a day with regular fodder had reduced their methane emissions by 82%, while their milk yields were reduced by 82%. And the taste and nutrition of the meat didn’t matter.

Experts believe that the ingredients in red seaweed prevent enzymes from working in the stomachs of cattle that cause methane emissions.

Earlier, the same research was done jointly by American and Australian scientists, but its duration was only 15 days. The current study examines the long-term effects of red seaweed by extending this period to 5 months.

Although methane emissions are much lower than carbon dioxide, experts say it absorbs 25 times more heat than carbon dioxide.

That is, one ton of methane in the atmosphere increases the temperature of the atmosphere as much as 25 tons of carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere.

Some studies have even suggested, based on 20-year effects, that methane gas has 84 times more heat-warming capacity than carbon dioxide.

The role of human activity is most prominent in the recent increase in aerial methane, which accounts for 37% of the emissions of domestic animals, especially cows and buffaloes.

Although these experiments are promising, work remains to be done on issues such as large-scale cultivation of red seaweed and safe migration to remote locations. These are just some of the goal setting shareware that you can use.

The findings are published in the latest issue of the online research journal PLoS One.

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