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Details of external loans for the first 9 months of the current financial year have been released.

According to Express News, the government has released details of external debt for the first nine months of the current financial year, under which the government received external debt of ارب 7.41 billion from July to March 2021, and for the current financial year. In the first nine months, Pakistan also repaid a debt of 4 4.86 billion.

According to the report, ارب 1.34 billion was raised in the form of budget support, 3 3.12 billion was raised for the repayment of commercial loans, and ایک 1.35 billion was borrowed for the completion of development projects. 43 439 million was obtained for commodity financing.
According to the report, China provided ایک 1 billion in safe deposits to Pakistan, the Asian Development Bank provided قرض 1.247 billion in loans to Pakistan, and the World Bank provided 93 938 million to Pakistan out of ارب 2.25 billion. France lent 48 34.8 million, the United States 62 86.2 million and China کروڑ 147.5 million.

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