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Due to the economic impact of the Corona epidemic and inflation, the nationwide sacrifice trend is expected to decline by 10 to 15 per cent this year.

Eid-ul-Adha is an important source of raw material for the leather industry. Tanneries receive 95% of the skins of sacrificial animals, which makes the annual sacrifice figures clear. The Pakistan Tanners Association hopes to produce 6-7 million skins this year. Which will be 10 to 15 per cent less than last year.

According to Ijaz Ahmed Sheikh, a member of the core committee and managing committee of the Pakistan Tanners Association, the leather industry, like other industries, is facing difficulties due to the economic impact of the Koronaki epidemic, due to changing fashion trends globally. The industry was under pressure, with a significant increase in conditions caused by Corona, which is also having an impact on Pakistan’s leather industry.
He said that the number of raw hides on Eid-ul-Adha is expected to decrease by 10 to 15 per cent this year but the price of hides has increased slightly as compared to last year. He said that this year cowhides will be purchased for Rs. Goat skins will be bought for Rs 200, sheepskins for Rs 100. Last year, cow skins were bought for Rs 500 to Rs 600, similarly, goat skins were bought for Rs 125 to Rs 150 while sheepskins were bought for Rs 25 to 35.

According to Ejaz Ahmed Sheikh, the number of skins in three years has come down from 11 million to 80 to 85 million last year, while this year the number is expected to be further reduced to 60 to 70 million, according to Ejaz from the leather industry. Ahmed Sheikh said that due to Corona, there is a lockdown in the world and along with the tourism industry, the entertainment tourism and hotel industries have also been shut down.

In the world’s major markets, Europe and the United States, people have been working from home for 2 years, so sales of clothing, footwear and garments are declining, only the demand for food items is increasing, leather products are considered luxury items. And sales of all luxury items have been affected.

“As vaccinations are taking place in the world, commercial activity is recovering, which is expected to increase the demand for leather, but it will take a long time to restore the level in 3 to 4 years,” he said. Many large tanneries in Pakistan have been shut down, including the tannery of business leader SM Munir. At present, 30 per cent of the tanneries across the country are completely closed, while the rest of the tanneries are running below production capacity.

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