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Significant progress in removing baldness thanks to stemming cells

Japanese scientists have made significant progress in identifying and making possible the genetic cause of continuous hair growth, ie hair growth and subsequent root regrowth. The method has since been tested on animals, but the human trial has been delayed due to the corona epidemic.

However, it is being hailed as a breakthrough in the treatment or treatment of baldness. The findings are published in the journal Scientific Reports. Experts have discovered a chemical or component (biomarker) inside a type of stem cell in the human body called ITGB بیta5 Itgβ5. This biomarker plays a vital role in the three main stages of hair growth and has been used to reduce baldness in animals by almost 80%.

The Rykin Center for Biotechnology Research in Japan has discovered biomarkers in stem cells in human skin that keep human hair going through a continuous growth cycle.
Understand that there are three main stages in human hair growth. The most important of these is the anion phase, in which hair growth is complete. If the engine phase ends, the hair enters the cation phase and begins to weaken, followed by the telogen phase, in which the hair begins to break. But it happens naturally. This cycle is completed and the hair enters the engine stage again. But in bald people, this process stops after hair loss.

Till now, hair growth experiments have been done in bald people, but once the hair falls out, it cannot be regenerated, that is, the engine stage does not start. Now a camel ITGB5 present in the stem cell was slightly altered and inserted into the skin under the hair at the same time when the hair appeared slightly.

It has been shown to have very good effects on animals and thus there is hope for a reduction in baldness. According to scientists, this new method will soon be tested on humans.

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