Wearable sensors are being used around the world to monitor the heart, pulse, and other physical effects. Now, 3D prints have come up with completely different techniques of printing custom and variable.
This will allow you to monitor your health and try new drugs. In this regard, scientists at the University of Arizona have created a special variable from a 3D printer called a ‘symbiotic device’. It has many advantages, ie it does not require electricity to run.
This device can be adapted to the physical needs and it does its job by generating electricity wirelessly, after which no battery is required. It was developed by biomedical engineering professor Philip Gutorov and his colleagues. Details are published in the latest issue of Science Advances.
“We’ve come up with a brand new, unique way for digital variables that can be tailored directly to anyone’s needs. It doesn’t need to be recharged every minute or even a whole week, “said Professor Philip.
Although smartwatches fall into the category of workable variables, they need to be charged. On the other hand, it cannot be changed in terms of changing goals. But now experts have created variables based on the patient’s physical features that can be attached to any part of the body. They are so lightweight, mesh, airy, and flexible that they do not deteriorate due to muscle movement. Other variables do not have this capability.
The importance of the ‘symbiotic device’ is that the wristwatch cannot cover the whole body. Therefore, it is important to attach the biosensor to other parts of the body and collect data from there. It is so sensitive that it can measure muscle tension even when running and jumping. When he was dressed in boating, he warned of even the slightest muscle spasm. He even noticed an increase in body temperature when he climbed ten steps.