General Worker job in Dubai

Job TitleGeneral Worker
Country NameDubai, UAE
Visa TypeContract Visa
Age RequirementAbove 19 Years
Experience Required



Required Languages
Urdu, English, Arabic
Job SourceJhang
Job DescriptionThis is a general worker job in Dubai. Company needs a worker for loading and unloading on Dubai airport. We recommend you this job. So please come at our office and apply for this job with your original documents.
Career LevelPrimary, Secondary, F.A
Salary  About 925 DHS
Departure StatusUrgent


Contract Period2 Years
Duty Timings8 Hours
Other Benefits and perksAccommodation, Meal, Transport, Medical, Visa and according to Dubai labor law
Recruitment CompanyGULF overseas technical services. Office at O961C Asghar mall road near Siddiqu Public School Rawalpindi.
Visa Providing CompanyOur Honorable Famous Principal in UAE “DULSCO”

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Last Date for Interview

Not Mentioned

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